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Following are the topics of my blog:-

Twitter Tools to Maximize Power of Twitter

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Twitter is a social media platform with crores of users. And most of the people use Twitter to get traffic to their web/blog. Getting traffic from twitter is not an bad idea but as always we need tools to get perfection and do our work easily. To get maximum traffic you should have to use the Twitter's Masters (People Having Crores of Followers) and get them to tweet a post for you in twitter, now you just have to sit relax and traffic will come as air in huge abundance. Using Twitter Tools is an other way to do the same...

What is CPM? Cost Per Mille/Thousand Impressions

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Here is a explanation of term "CPM", full form of CPM is "COST PER MILLE" and called also as "COST PER THOUSAND" it is cost generally used by publishers on internet to charge the advertiser per thousand impressions of their ad. As the impressions are also worth, only focus on just "CTR" is not kept in practice and the advertisers are also charged for per thousand impressions. CPM is mostly targeted for brand awareness {slogan awareness of that brand} and for delevering a specific message related to the brand which helps to...

(2020 Update) AdSense HeatMap- Best Google AdSense Ads Placement Guide : AdSense Tips For More Earnings

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When we talk about increasing our Google AdSense Revenue /Earnings /CTR /CPC the first thing that strikes to our mind is "AdSense HeatMap". I found thousand of users asking for the adsense heatmap so hereby I will represent an adsense heatmap {right placement guide for adsense} which can help you to fulfill all above aspects without annoying your users. Let's get on to the point here is a image for the heatmap or you can say best AdSense...

10 Tips To Increase/Boost Up Your Google AdSense Revenue/Earnings

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AdSense is consider to be the most easy way to earn for newbie bloggers. As you have completed installing the AdSense code you think of earning more with it, so here I will present a strategy to make more earnings using Google AdSense by using some tips and recommendations. I want you to remember that never be more selfish to earn more this can lead you to violate AdSense Policies and can get you banned. And its truth tha if you get...

What is Google AdSense Program? Introduction + Guide For Beginners

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Are you here searching "What is Google AdSense Program?" Then you are on the right place, here is your answer: Google AdSense is a free, simple way for website publishers of all sizes to earn money by displaying targeted Google ads on their websites. AdSense displays ad on your site according to your content of website so it is known as 'contextual ad network' and considered to be the easiest way to earn money online by displaying...